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Privacy Policy & Cookies




Responsible for personal data processing


In compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 27th of April, 2016 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free circulation of this data (hereinafter, “GRPD”, we would like to inform you that Design Collision, S.L., with registered address at Via Augusta no. 29 planta 6ta, 08006 Barcelona, España with Fiscal Identification Code B55309777, is responsible for the processing of personal data when it is supplied to us during the browser experience when using the web site


Whenever you use our site and you provide us with, or it is necessary for us to access any type of information, which due to the characteristics involved allows us to identify you, such as your name and surnames, email, invoicing or delivery addresses, telephone number, debit or credit card number, etc., either due to browsing the Web Site, purchasing our products or using the services, this data will be covered by this Privacy Policy and Cookies that you have expressly accepted by marking the consent box, along with the general terms and conditions, documents referred to in them that are in force at any given time, these texts having to be reviewed to verify that they conform with the policy.


This Privacy Policy and Cookies informs about the system for collecting, processing and protecting the personal data to which the company WIX, may have access as a result of the services provided for the user on this Web Site (hereinafter, “the Web Site”) or by other means, known as a whole as “Our Systems”.


The owner of the Web Site is the company Design Collision S.L., with Fiscal Identification Code B55309777, with registered address at Via Augusta no.29, planta 6ta, 08006 Barcelona, España, the activity of which is the production and sale of sunglasses under the trademark “POP-i”, (hereinafter, “the Company”).


Using the box that has been provided for this purpose, you have explicitly accepted all the terms and conditions included in this Privacy Policy, as well as the provisions contained in the Company’s General Terms and Conditions of Use and in the Cookies Policy. You will find all the corresponding links at the foot of the home page. These provisions may be modified in terms of legislative changes or due to a Company decision, therefore we would ask you to read them carefully every time you browse the Web Site. Likewise, you may verify whether any particular condition is needed for its use or whether a specific processing of your personal details is required.


Please take into account that the fact of not providing certain information indicated as compulsory, may mean that the management of your registration as a user or the use of certain functionalities or services available through Our Systems may not be possible.


As a user, you guarantee that the personal details that you have provided for us are true and exact and you undertake to notify of any change or modification to them. If you provide personal details of third parties, you are responsible for having informed these parties and having obtained their consent to be supplied for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.


We inform you that the data collected through the Web Site’s data collection form will be incorporated to a personal data file registered belonging to Design Collision, with registered address at Via Augusta no.29, planta 6a, 08006 Barcelona, España, with Fiscal Identification Code B55309777, entered on the Mercantile Register of Barcelona in Volume 46., Folio 111, Page 509754.




The Company guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided and the fullfillment of all the applicable legislation for this purpose and that all the necessary technical and organisational steps have been adopted to guarantee the safety and integrity of the personal data being processed, as well as to prevent their loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorised third parties.


The purpose of the processing, legal grounds, legitimation and description of the data processing that is carried out using our systems:


The legal grounds for the processing of your data will be the performance of the product purchase or sale contract or the corresponding provision of services, if such is the case.


The Company informs you that we will process your personal data for the following purposes:


(I) Managing your registration as a user of Our Systems and giving you access to the different functionalities, products and services that are available to you as a registered user.


(II) The development, fullfillment and performance of the purchase contract for the products or services that have been acquired through the Web Site.


(III) If you have formalised your subscription to GIGI Studios ’s Newsletter, we will provide you with information about our products and services, using means such as email, SMS or push notifications if they are enabled on your mobile device and we will make advertising related to our products and services available to you.


We will also inform you, with a view to improving the attention we provide, whereas your personal data regarding your purchases on the Web Site, tastes and preferences may be used by the Company to perform analyses, market research, quality surveys and other similar activities. If you are a registered user, you can change your preferences regarding the sending of these commercial communications using the My Account section. Likewise, your data may be shared with third parties providing services for the processing operation and we will be able to transfer or communicate personal data to attend to our obligations with Public Administrations, Judicial bodies and in the cases that require this, in accordance with the legislation in force at all times.


I consent for POP-i to contact me to perform commercial actions referring to POP-i's products, both general and individualised, using any means, including telematic ones and even through partner companies.


I consent for POP-i to communicate my data to partner companies in order for them to be able to contact me to carry out commercial actions referring to POP-i's products.


What are your rights


You are entitled to exercise your right for revoking access, rectification, cancelation, limitation, portability, revocation of the consent given and not being the object of a decision solely based on the automated processing of your data.

You may exercise your rights at any time, by sending a written notification, attaching a photocopy of a document that certifies your identity, to the addresses indicated below, indicating the reference “Data Protection” (Protección de Datos):


You may also present a complaint before the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, if you deem it appropriate. The information necessary is available on


Likewise, you may cancel your subscription to POP-i's Newsletter using the Newsletter section of Our Systems at any time, as well as following the indications that we provide in each communication.

Conservation period of your data


POP-i will process your personal data during a period of five years from your last interaction with us, without detriment to the conservation that is necessary for the formulation, exercising or defence of potential claims and/or whenever the applicable legislation were to allow it.




What you should know about the cookies


A Cookie is a small text file that a Web Site puts onto your computer or onto any other device and that stores information about your browsing activity on this site. Cookies facilitate your browsing activity and do not damage your computer. In this document the term Cookie is used referring to this Web Site, as it is our most frequent information storage system, although the space called “Local Storage” is also used for the same purpose as the Cookies. Therefore, all the general information that we provide here with respect to the Cookies is also applicable to the so-called “Local Storage”.


Our Cookies are aimed at optimising your browsing experience and helping us to improve both your own experience and that of other users, through the usage patterns of this Web Site. Therefore, your preferences will also be remembered (language, country…) in future visits.


Current legislation obliges us to request the user’s agreement to be able to use cookies. If you decide against authorising their use, you must not continue using this Web Site. If you continue browsing this Web Site, this activity will imply the acceptance of their use.


If you have any queries or questions about the cookies policy, you may send us your query using the Contact us form.

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